Worship at New Life
At New Life, you will experience a church full of the Spirit and hope, grounded in the Episcopal tradition. Our worship space offers a sacred place to pray and experience Jesus Christ in community through scripture and sacrament. Sermons help us to apply Bible teachings to our individual and common lives. The Book of Common Prayer, our Hymnal and Sunday Bulletins provide everything you need for worship each Sunday.

Receiving Communion
ALL are welcome at our Lord’s table.

Sunday worship at New Life includes the celebration of Holy Eucharist. All who seek God and a deeper, stronger life in Christ are welcome to receive communion.
Come forward to the altar rail and take the next available place. You may kneel or stand. Receive the communion bread in your open palm. You may choose to receive wine directly from the chalice by gently guiding it to your lips as the chalice bearer presents it to you. (We do not “intinct,” or dip, the bread into the wine at this time.) If you choose not to receive the wine, you can simply return to your seat following those around you.
If it is physically difficult for you to come to the altar rail, please indicate this to an usher and a priest will bring communion to you where you are seated.
Children and Communion
Children are welcome to receive communion at their parents’ discretion. If you would like your child to learn more about the sacrament before receiving it, please contact the office.
Receiving a Blessing
If you, or your child, would like to receive a blessing from a priest at the altar rail, but not communion, come forward just as you would receive communion and cross your arms across your chest, and/or instruct your child to do the same.
Other Celebrations
Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ. Infants, children, and adults may be baptized in the Episcopal Church.
Confirmation and Reception
Those baptized at an early age may make a mature public affirmation of their baptism through the rite of confirmation. Those who have made such an affirmation in another Christian tradition may be received as members of the Episcopal Church. Both confirmation and reception include prayer and the laying on of hands by the bishop.
A wedding celebrated at New Life is an affirmation of a couple’s commitment to each other and to God through Jesus Christ. Remarriage of the divorced is permitted. Weddings are open to both same and opposite sex couples.
It is an honor for New Life to help plan a funeral or memorial service in a time of loss. Please contact the office, a member of the Vestry, or our priest for support and help planning during this time.