Serving in Our Church

New Life and the wider Episcopal Church give you many opportunities to serve God and others at the local, diocesan, national, and international levels. We help people identify their spiritual and other gifts, learn about them, and grow them! And plug into programs and opportunities in the wider church in Ohio, the United States, and the Anglican Communion. Come grow and serve with us to love God, love others, and change the world!

Fellowship Ministries

  • Meals for Parishioners, funerals, families in need
  • Parish Social Events
  • Sunday Coffee Hours

Lay Ministries

  • Group Leaders
  • Healing Prayer Servants
  • Intercessory Prayer Warriors
  • Lay Eucharistic Visitors
  • Lay Preachers
  • Morning Prayer Leaders
  • Nursery Minders
  • Outreach Leaders and Team
  • Spirituality Leaders and Team
  • Special Services Leaders
  • Sunday School Teachers

Stewardship and Administration

  • Building and Property
  • Communications
  • Convention Delegates (Ohio, USA)
  • Finance/Counters
  • Fundraising/Stewardship
  • IT
  • Kitchen
  • Office
  • Vestry

Worship Ministries

  • Acolytes
  • Altar Guild
  • Chalice Bearers
  • Greeters
  • Intercessors
  • Lectors
  • Music
  • Special Services
  • Ushers