Serving in Our Community
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22:37-40
Loving and serving others is God’s second greatest commandment, and at New Life we are passionate about being God’s hands and feet in our world today! Our Outreach Team organizes many programs each year to serve children, teens, adults, families and the elderly in our local community and beyond. Since 2017, we have hosted fabulous social events for adults with different abilities, making use of our accessible facility and renovated kitchen. We want to love and serve others as a reflection of God’s love, and we give you opportunities to do that too! No matter what your interest, your age, your ability, or your experience, you can make a difference in the world by reaching out with us to serve others!
Impacting Lives in the Akron Canton Area
A Sampling of New Life’s Past and Present Outreach Programs
Lake Local Schools
- School Supplies for Children
- Supplies for School Nurses
- Supplies for School Counselors
- Hats, Mittens, and Underwear for Primary Schools
- Provide Turkeys for District Thanksgiving Meals for Families in Need
- Christmas Gifts for Teens
- Adopt Families for Christmas
Serving with Other Ministries
- Akron Canton Foodbank
- FISH Food Pantry (Lake Twp.)
- Green Good Neighbors
- Habitat for Humanity
- Haven of Rest Ministries
- Lake Township Library
- Stark County Children Services
- Summit County Child Protective Services
- Summit County Victim Assistance Program
Special New Life Ministries
- Appreciation for First Responders and Community Workers
- Events for Adults with Special Needs
- Prison Ministry
Episcopal Church Ministries
Episcopal Community Services
Serving the Diocese of Ohio
Episcopal Relief & Development
Disaster and poverty relief worldwide
The Episcopal Church
Many local, national, and international ministries
“I’ve lived in many places in the United States, and I’ve been a member of many Episcopal Churches, and none of them come even close to the giving and serving that is done at New Life! There are so many opportunities here to make a difference!”
Terri M.