New Life and the wider Episcopal Church give you many opportunities to serve God’s people inside our church family at the local, diocesan and national levels, and outside our church family in local, national and international communities. Thorough New Life, you will find numerous ways to serve and be served. And our church runs on volunteer power! Just about every parishioner volunteers in some way…from doing a reading to watching a child to hosting a coffee hour after the service to cleaning the windows! This happy fact unites our faith family in purpose and fellowship.
Worship Ministries
- Acolytes
- Altar Guild
- Chalice Bearers
- Greeters
- Intercessors
- Lectors
- Music
- Special Services
- Ushers
Fellowship Ministries
- Meals for Parishioners, funerals, families in need
- Parish Social Events
- Sunday Coffee Hour
Stewardship and Administration
- Building and Property
- Communications
- Counters
- Office
- Vestry
Outreach and Missions
- Partnership with Lake Township Schools for School Supplies and other Support
- Clothing the Poor
- Adopt a Family at the Holidays
- Mitten Tree
- Pajama Sunday
- Feeding the Poor
- Faithfully I Serve Him (FISH) Food Pantry
- Akron/Canton Food Bank
- Thanksgiving Turkey – Cash Donations
- St. Paul’s, Canton – Feed the 5000
- Episcopal Community Services Foundation
- Funds special projects in the Diocese of Ohio including: Open M, Battered Women’s shelter,
housing for the homeless, meals for the poor, etc.
- Funds special projects in the Diocese of Ohio including: Open M, Battered Women’s shelter,
- Episcopal Relief and Development
- Disaster relief and fighting poverty worldwide
- Recycle Pots and Pans
- Recognizing Community Workers
- Spring Social for Adults with Disabilities
Did You Know? – Individual Ministries
Did you know that at New Life, people are nurtured and prepared to identify and use their gifts to be God’s hands in our hurting world?
Individual members of our congregation serve people and communities through myriad ministries outside the church in our local communities.
These ministries include providing food, clothing and money to the poor, tutoring children, participating in a variety of support groups, going on mission trips and mission events, and serving as volunteers with social service agencies, hospitals, the YMCA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and other youth organizations. You will find New Life servants at nursing homes, at the Ronald McDonald House, in prisons and group homes.
We have as many ministries outside our church as we have gifts and interests! This means that there are opportunities to join a fellow parishioner and gain both fellowship and ministry opportunities!