Strength for the journey at the intersection of Portage, Stark and Summit Counties!
Sunday Worship 10:00am 13118 Church Ave. Uniontown, Ohio 44685

Welcome to New Life Episcopal Church
New Life is a Christ-centered community focused on Loving, Learning, Serving, and Sharing our Faith.
New Life is an open and inclusive Episcopal church serving Northern Stark and Southern Summit and Portage Counties, Ohio. In our baptism service, we promise to love our neighbors as ourselves and uphold the dignity of every human being — everybody, no exceptions! You are welcome here. ALL are welcome at the Lord’s table for Communion.
The people of New Life are especially good at welcoming and loving all people, helping people grow in their relationship with God, and serving people in need in local communities. We offer a sacred place to pray and experience Jesus Christ, through scripture and sacrament. We celebrate Holy Eucharist each Sunday at 10:00 A.M. and on special days throughout the year. A life of faith involves asking tough questions, and New Life gives you a safe place and lots of opportunities for learning and spiritual growth. At New Life, we are all just travelers together on this journey of faith, encouraging and helping each other along the way!
Are you looking for a church? We know the search for a new church can be difficult, and we want to make it easier for you if we can. If you would like to talk to one of our parish leaders before your visit, just email us at or call us at (330) 699-3554. We look forward to seeing you!